Make a Material Difference in the Heart of the North West region

Community Shares are offered until 31st March 2025

EMERGE is excited to invite our local community, members of the public and organisations to join us in expanding reuse and recycling for social good in Greater Manchester and Liverpool. Become a Community Shareholder and help us to develop our pioneering social enterprise and deliver a revitalised Business Plan over the next three years.

We’re actively seeking social investors who want to make a real difference to the environment by developing a more sustainable future, through materials’ conservation, local employment, and community engagement.

Investor members who share the mission of EMERGE Recycling, rather than simply seeking financial returns, are exactly who we hope to attract. As such, the level of return is designed to be the minimum sufficient to attract and retain the investment, through community shares. Our financial modelling indicates that we will be able to pay up to 5% interest on members’ shares from the financial year 2026/7. By participating in our community share investment, you’re contributing to a more sustainable and socially responsible future in Greater Manchester.

Your community share investment directly supports creating a more sustainable North West, enabling projects such as:

  • Touch Wood’s workshop and shop facilities.
  • Recruitment of an Apprentice and Training.
  • Digitisation of our systems to enable greater operational efficiency and a customer portal.
  • Marketing campaigns to engage more people and collect more materials for reuse and recycling.
  • Greener vehicles.

To learn more, please download our prospectus

To download our Business Case and other key documents

Ready to apply? Download our application form, or fill in the online form below…

See how we’re doing


Apply to become a shareholder-member and buy community shares

community share investment
EMERGE waste recycling